Wednesday 15 July 2015


Date: 13.07.2015
Beer: Alesmith - Speedway Stout (US)
System: Dungeons & Dragons, Moldvay Basic

Elf of the Speedway (Sexless Level 1 Elf, XP 0) - Ineta

Treasure: 500sp, 500gp, Jewelry (250gp), Sword +1, Potion of Heroism.
Monsters: 20 Night Goblins.
Experience: 1150xp

Character creation

Having left the land of Alesmith in search for adventure, the Elf of the Speedway travels north to Bleakwater and hears rumors of a mythical dungeon known as The Putrid Vault. After locating the entrance on the southern slopes of the Crooked Peaks, the Elf wonders underground looking for gold and glory.

In her first foray she encounters an empty room, with signs of a recent battle but no corpses left behind. She decides to continue exploring east, finding an crossing where she goes south and discovers a couple of doors. Uncertain on how to deal with doors, she goes back to the crossing and takes the way north. Here she avoids a trap and continues north, much more careful than before.

Two more doors are found, one of which at the end of the corridor. The Elf of the Speedway carefully checks it out, listening for noises: some loud chanting, which sounds like Goblins. She carefully opens the door just as much as to check out what's going on: a massive hall is illuminated only by a fire in the middle, where about twenty Goblins are busy drinking and slow roasting a couple of Dwarves. A very fat Goblin sits on a rock throne in the far west side of the room, surrounded by riches.

The Elf sneaks in the shadows of the room, carefully considering her possibilities, and eventually shoots an arrow at the closest Goblin. She misses. Alerted by the intruder and incited by their leader, the tribe charges in. She quickly cast a Sleep spell, taking two of them down. Surprised, the Goblins hesitate for a second, giving her time for another shot - this time aiming at the fat Goblin who looks like their leader. Her arrow hits, wounding the King and spreading terror in the enemy lines. Another shot, another dead Goblin. Two braver monsters close in, and one of them stabs the Elf with his knife, just to meet a quick death soon after. Ultimately, one of the Elf's arrows takes down two Goblins in a single shot (CRITICAL HIT), the Goblin King disappears, and the remaining monsters panic and run away from the terrible Elf of the Speedway.

The Elf tries to follow the trail of blood left by the Goblin King, which ends abruptly somewhere behind the throne. She tries to call for him, threatening to steal his treasure, and when she doesn’t hear back she actually goes for it. Among the riches she finds a Magic Sword and a strange looking potion. She then goes back from a different exit, crosses a room converted into a pigpen, finds some stairs going “seriously down in the darkness” and eventually leaves the Putrid Vault to return to Bleakwater.

Once back in town, the Elf decides to find somewhere to get patched up and hit the local tavern to celebrate and make some friends. The Lurid Pony is just starting to fill up with the regular clientele: hardened middle-aged farmers and cryptic travelling types. She joins a table by buying rounds of ale and Trollbrew (the local moonshine), and enquires about a wizard which she hopes will help her identify the mysterious potion she found in the dungeon. As she learns a magician lives on the outskirts of the village, she leaves the tavern to go and look for him.

The wizards lives in a small, crooked hut right outside town, about fifteen minutes walk near the edge of an old forest. He hesitates to let her in, but eventually opens the door: a minute old man with an incredibly long beard, a pointy grey hat, an oversized robe and weird bunny slippers. After a brief chat over a warm cup of tea he identifies the potion, and when the Elf asks him to join her on her adventures he kindly refuses, but offers to introduce her to his apprentice. She ends up crashing at his place, as the night is getting darker and the way to the village is not safe anymore.

Notes: This was the first game of D&D my girlfriend ever played. Turns out she loves rolling on random tables and role-playing in first person, which forced me out of my comfort zone and had me improvising quite a bit as she decided to go back to the village and have a look around. I guess I'll have to focus more on the setting surrounding the Putrid Vault and especially on NPCs and interesting locales, as she showed a lot of interest in what's going on around the dungeon.